Dec 15, 20202 min4 Holiday Money Tips Many people have already bought their gifts for the upcoming holiday. However, I know some of you out there – me included – have waited...
May 11, 20201 minVideo - Episode 5: Dark Taste-imony (Eggos & Ramen)Watch how Sandy Change connects Eggos & Ramen with personal finances. Enjoy!!!
Feb 2, 20201 minVideo - Episode 4: Life’s BS (Baby Struggles)Watch Sandy Change talk about the struggles of having children and managing expenses.
Jan 2, 20201 minVideo - Episode 2: Me, Myself and IWatch Sandy Change's 2nd animated video on money and relationships.
Nov 4, 20181 minPeace Runs DeepLegacy. What do you plan to leave to your children/family when you leave this earth? Of course, we may leave behind traditions, stories...
Oct 4, 20181 minDark and LovelyAre you living in the dark by not planning for tomorrow but living a lovely life in the moment? I am all for living in the present and...
Apr 4, 20181 minLife's BSHonestly, I never wanted children. Seeing a little one, all snotty nosed, calling for their mommy used to irritate me. But, after we had...